Truck Express Wax

Real Carnauba Wax Shine and Protection

Truck Express Wax Real Carnauba Wax Shine and Protection is designed to be used with a water dilutable dispenser. Truck Express Wax is a highly dilutable, self-shining polymer based product. This product adds value to the wash and is self-leveling on the surface. Truck Express Wax leaves a deep luster shine, is non-yellowing, protects vehicle finish and also aids the cleaning process in the next wash.


This product can be metered through a pressure washer as a quick rinse aid for ready mix trucks. It may also be used through a pump-up sprayer as a final rinse after washing ready mix trucks.

Technical Data

Wetting AbilityExcellent
Cold Stability32°F
Solubility in WaterComplete
pH8.0 – 9.0
Weight per Gallon8.45 lbs.
Specific Gravity1.03
Storage Stability1 year
BiodegradabilityReadily biodegradable

Additional Information

UN, Not Applicable