Heavy Duty Tire Mounting Compound RB-598

OTR Heavy Duty Tire Mounting Compound is specifically designed to dismount and mount all size tires and tubes. This product is an industrial grade concentrate. Use this product to pack rims when necessary and can be diluted for normal dismounting and mounting applications. Dilutes and rinses with water. See directions below. Wear eye protection to guard against splashing. For more safety information see Safety Data Sheet.


OTR Heavy Duty Tire Mounting Compound is an industrial concentrate. This product may be used as is for certain applications or diluted with water up to 1 part product to 5 parts water or as desired or necessary to accomplish the task. These directions are based on tests believed to be reliable. However, the user should determine suitable dilutions intended for his or her own use.

It is a violation of federal law to use this product in any manner inconsistent with its labelling.

Technical Data

Physical StateLiquid
OdorNatural tall oil
ColorClear amber
Wetting AbilityExcellent
Cold StabilityNot established
FlashpointDoes NOT flash
Solubility in WaterSoluble
pH8.5 – 9.5
Weight per Gallon8.0 lbs
Specific Gravity1.04
Storage Stability1 year